Player Endpoint implementation

Hypixel API Endpoint:

This endpoint returns the player data by uuid


Create a new Player object with client and uuid.

const player = new Player(client, 'uuid');

Other functions

List of all Player methods:

  • getPlayerData - Get the player data and cache it to a variable
  • get - Get the player
  • getUUID - Get the UUID of the player
  • getStatus - Get the status of the player
  • getKarma - Get the karma of the player
  • getNetworkExp - Get the network experience of the player
  • getLevel - Get the network level of the player
  • getExactLevel - Get exact network level of the player
  • getGuild - Get the guild membership of the player or null
  • isStaff - Check if the player is in the staff team
  • getHighestRank - Get the highest rank of the player
  • getPlusColor - Get the rank plus color
  • getName - Get the display name of the player
  • getRecentGameType - Get recently played games by the player
  • getSocialMedia - Get player connected social media
  • getStats - Get the player Stats

Get stats of the player:

const stats = player.getStats();

Get any minigame stats

const minigame = stats.getByName('name');

List of all Stats methods:

  • get - Get all minigame stats
  • getByName - Get one minigame stats by the name
  • getBedwars - Get BedWars-specific stats
  • getSkyWars - Get SkyWars-specific stats

BedWars & SkyWars

Due to the complexity of both minigames, you can get specific stats.


  • BedWars

    const bedwars = stats.getBedwars();
  • SkyWars

    const skywars = stats.getSkyWars();

List of all BedwarsMinigame methods:

  • get - Get all the BedWars stats
  • getCoins - Get BedWars coins
  • getLevel - Get BedWars level (see Leveling)
  • getIronCollected - Get collected Iron
  • getGoldCollected - Get collected Gold
  • getDiamondsCollected - Get collected Diamonds
  • getEmeraldsCollected - Get collected Emeralds
  • getWinstreak - Get the current winstreak
  • getKills - Get BedWars Kills
  • getFinalKills - Get BedWars final Kills
  • getDeaths - Get BedWars Deaths
  • getFinalDeaths - Get BedWars final Deaths
  • getWins - Get BedWars wins
  • getLosses - Get BedWars losses
  • getBedsBroken - Get broken beds amount

List of all SkyWarsMinigame methods:

  • get - Get all the SkyWars stats
  • getCoins - Get SkyWars coins
  • getLevel - Get SkyWars level (see Leveling)
  • getSouls - Get all souls
  • getSoulsGathered - Get souls gathered
  • getSoulWellUses - Get uses of the soul well
  • getSoullWellLegendaries - Get the legendary drops from the soul well
  • getSoulWellRares - Get the rare drops from the soul well
  • getChestsOpened - Get the amount of opened chests
  • getBlocksBroken - Get the amount of broken blocks
  • getBlocksPlaced - Get the amount of placed blocks
  • getEggs - Get the amount of thrown Eggs
  • getEnderpearls - Get the amount of thrown Enderpearls
  • getArrowsShot - Get the amount of shot arrows
  • getArrowsHit - Get the amount of arrows that hit
  • getWinstreak - Get the current winstreak
  • getKills - Get SkyWars Kills
  • getVoidKills - Get SkyWars void Kills
  • getAssists - Get SkyWars Assists
  • getDeaths - Get SkyWars Deaths
  • getWins - Get SkyWars wins
  • getLosses - Get SkyWars losses
  • getHeads - Get the amount of collected heads
  • getHeadCollection - Get the head collection


Player has its own leveling system.

See Player Leveling system implementation by Plancke.

You can use PlayerLeveling in your project.

List of all PlayerLeveling methods:

  • getExactLevel - Get exact network level by provided experience
  • getLevel - Get network level by provided experience
  • getPercentageToNextLevel - Get percentage to the next level
  • getTotalExpToLevel - Get the experience needed to reach provided level
  • getTotalExpToFullLevel - Get the total experience needed to reach provided level

Both BedWars and SkyWars also have their own leveling system.

See SkyWars & BedWars Leveling system implementation by Plancke.

You can also use both BedwarsLeveling & SkyWarsLeveling in your project.

List of all BedwarsLeveling methods:

  • getLevelByExp - Get BedWars Level by provided experience
  • getExpByLevel - Get BedWars Experience by provided Level

List of all SkyWarsLeveling methods:

  • getProgressCurrentLevel - Get the progress of the current level
  • getLevelByExp - Get SkyWars Level by provided experience
  • getExpByLevel - Get SkyWars Experience by provided Level